December 14, 2020

foreign sex قصص نيج اجنبي شتوية

MEN WOMEN COLLECTION.Tornado in Louisiana (1/3)

Hello, my parents called me Christian.
I am 22 years old and have just finished my studies.
Throughout my BTS in computer science, thanks to my pretty face, I had many exclusively female adventures.
I had a homosexual experience, but it was quickly interrupted.
The male sexes in my mouth or in my ass very little for me.
It was a binge night when the girls were missing.
Apart from one that was fuckable the rest were far from worthy of a hunk like me.
I was sitting in an armchair waiting for the moment when our eyes would meet.
It was one of my dredge techniques.
Be patient, one look, the prey either succumbed, or turned its head in a disdainful way, it matched or it broke.
It was when I was going fishing that a fashion engraving passed in front of me breaking the expected effect.
In pink, a real Turkish delight.
He sat on the armrest putting his cock to me, well drawn by his ultra tight was at mouth level.
When I could see the little one again, I saw her leave with another fop that I had noticed on the sofa in this living room.
In the ass, especially not the penis of this PD, but the part of legs in the air hoped for.

• You are beautiful, you come to my place, I live one floor above.

I got up without a word and under the disdainful gaze of the one I would have or motherfucker or, no, surely not, I'm straight.
I leave the evening.
That evening white cabbage, but the next day I met the bitch who came in my ax.
I skipped it for three days.
I fucked her in all these holes, she loved anal sex.
It's weird, I was able to dip my cock in the anus of the girls, but in that of my homo's little ass yesterday, it was impossible for me.

For three days, because the fourth I was taking the plane to New York.
New York to celebrate my success in my BTS before starting at the end of the year in a box where I had done an internship and which had appreciated my dynamism.
My parents had very little means and it was Grandfather Christophe on his deathbed who had given me a small prize.
He had been in the navy and had been around the world with the training ship Jeanne d'Arc.
He wanted me to redo his American stops and that if I could in one or two cities, I try to find his former conquests.
It was the case in Baton Rouge in Louisiana, a called Dee Edward was one.
He had his blurry photo on his nightstand, as it was transplanted onto a slide while Dee was with her sister on the platform when the virgin left.
This is what Grandfather Jacques called this French officer training ship.
Despite the quality of the shot, I could see that my grandfather had good taste, the little one was horny.
New York where I get a motorhome giving me better autonomy.
Direction, the State of Louisiana to get to Baton Rouge.
It was there that he had met him.
He had explained a few details to me, but when I arrived, Walou, the area had been renovated after Hurricane Isaac in 2012.
I resumed my journey towards Houston before continuing to Las Vegas.
I know, it's inland, but why on my road to Los Angeles, to finish in San Francisco, some games of roulette would be forbidden to me.

I have just left Lafayette as for the radio, the music stops for a news flash.
I am bilingual, I understand the information given by the speaker.
Tornadoes are expected to occur in the area.
I have seen images of these phenomena on TV in France.
I know some are so strong that they are able to lift semi-trailers.
Impossible to play with it.
Suddenly on long straight lines, the sky darkened and I see one trying to catch up with me.
There is a barn to the right of the road.
I stop and go to this barn.
It's my lucky day, tornadoes are frequent and I see metal plates on the ground.
I open an underground shelter.
I quickly remember my Beaver Juniors internship.
How long will I stay in this hole, I don't know.
In these situations, water is essential.
I return to the camper van to retrieve the water reserve on the fountain with the canister of around ten liters.

As the first squalls catch up with me and the rain pours down on me, I see a car, also trying to speed up the tornado.
I leave the canister near the door and I run towards these people in danger at the risk of my life.
They see me and stop.
I should say, she sees me and stops, because it's a woman coming down.
I take her in my arms and somehow I reach the barn door.

• Go for it and go down to this shelter, I collect the water.

I literally jump into this hole with the canister, when I see the car then the camper van fly away.
I manage to close the scrap trap blocking the assembly which starts to vibrate making a hell of a boom.
I hear the cracked barn wood.
It too must fly away.

The woman has come to her senses and turns on the lamp on her cell phone.
I see, a hole, a bench fixed in the wall and that's it.
I take off my clothes because we are soaked.
No need to catch death, I saw all my spare fly away.

• You are crazy, in front of a lady, get naked.
• I would be you, I would do as much you will catch death.
• You have an accent!
• I am French, my parents called me Christian.
• Chrissstiane.

She pronounces my name like an American.

• I am serious, you will catch death if we are there too long.
Turn it off will protect your modesty.

She does and after some rustling of wet clothes I feel her sitting down next to me.
Her thigh touches mine, she shivers.
I take my cell phone and switch on.
She put our clothes on the end of the bench, that's why she's stuck.

• Voyeur, you are very French.
• I was looking at our clothes, you did well to spread them out, they will dry.

I had time to watch a little, she is hot.
Definitely in her forties, but unlike most Americans who got big asses thanks to MacDonald, she's in for a damn.

• You are married.
• Yes, twenty years ago and I have two children boy and girl.
• The choice of the king.
• King's Choice!
• Yes, in France when you have a boy and after a girl, we say that we have this choice.
• My children with my husband we adopted them.
Here in America we have Indians without kings.

She has humor.

• I'm cold.
• The storm is raging, impossible to get out, come into my arm I'll warm you up.

She lets herself go when I put my arm around her.
My hand meets her breast, which quivers.
Definitely the cold.

• I am loyal to my husband, Chrissstiane.

Christian says with his accent, it makes me crack.
I take her hand and put it on my cock.

• Oh !
• Shuck.

Sorry, let's translate "sucks".

• No, not that.
• Suck, you'll like it.

The manners here seem different and the girls are reluctant to give blowjobs, but is it the fact that I'm French, she takes me in her mouth.
A little clumsy with her teeth at first, she takes the rhythm of oral sex and masturbation.
It is without the slightest problem and especially the slightest mood that she comes to sit on my cock kissing me full on the mouth.
Damn, she seems to have forgotten her tongue.

• When you kiss, put out your tongue, you'll see it's like the lollipop, it's much better.

She is listening, the fellatio must have made her see that the French can do it.
Once impaled, she struggles on my tail despite the smallness of the place, until we have a simultaneous orgasm.

In the hole, the tornado of our senses rages on while outside it seems to have calmed down.
I pull away, as best I can, because she sticks to me to believe that this is the first time she has had an orgasm.
I unlock the door and push to raise the iron trap.
It comes off a few centimeters, but nothing more.
I have time to see that it is daylight.
We are prisoners in this rat hole ...

قصص نيج اجنبي شتوية ، من بينها هذه القصة المقتطفة من مشهد نيك حار ، في سكس اجنبي ساخن جداً. تبدأ هذه الحكاية المشوقة حينما كانت الفتاة الحلوة الأجنبية سويا في بيتها العصري الفاخر ، تستحم داخل الغرفة الزجاجية الشفافة ، على إيقاع صوت موسيقى الدجاز المرحة تغني بصوت مرتفع. سويا فتاة جميلة ، بيضاء ، ذهبية الشعر ، خمرية البشرة. في السادس و العشرين من عمرها ، سويا فتاة مجربة ، و هي الآن تعيش وحدها في شقة من شقق أفخر العمارات ضخامة في المدينة. سويا عاشت في السنوات الماضية تجربة حب فاشلة ، بعد أن اتضح أن حبيبها خانها مع الموظفة الجميلة لارا التي تعمل معه في مركز تجاري ضخم. أما الآن فسويا تقاوم الماضي بسلاح عيش حياة سعيدة و أن لا تخاف من علاقة جديدة. لذلك فهي في هذه الأيام تواعد شاب وسيم ، رياضي. و في هذه اللحظة ، كان هذا الشاب يطرق باب شقة سويا التي لازالت في غرفة الدش ، فمسك مقبض الباب و اداره فانفتح الباب.. تقدم نحو وسط الشقة فلاحظ جسد سويا العاري يترائى له من خلف الزجاج الشفاف ، فهاج زبه و أخذ يتخيل في مخيلته كس سويا و بزازها ، و بسرعة أخرج زبه بعد أن أسدل بنطلونه و شرع يهز زبه أعلى و أسفل و يتلذذ و يتاوه باستمتاع حلاوة رأس زبه العريض..

خرجت سويا من غرفة الدش، ملفوف جسدها بمنشفة بيضاء تغطي طيزها المشحم الكبير ، و خصرها النخيف ، فوقت عيناها على رفيقها الجديد يداعب زبه بشغف. فقالت له متفاجئة و راغبة في أن ” ماذا تفعل؟..متى اتيت؟” فاحمر وجه الشاب خجلا و لم يستطع ان يتفوه بكلمة ، إذ غطى بكلتى يديه زبه فقالت له سويا بعد أن أدركت هذا المشهد نواياه ” اكنت تراقبني وانا استحم ؟ ” حينئذٍ ، اقتربت سويا من الشاب الذي يجلس على حافة السرير ثم جلست على فخذيه و مسكت زبه المنتصب ثم شرعت تناوله القبلات فبادرها بقبلات حارة قطع بها شفاه سويا و حينما تحرر جسد سويا من المنشفة التي كانت تغطي جسدها شرعت يدي الشاب تتوغل في طيزها و بزازها ، و كان يستمتع بحلاوة الملمس. أسرع الشاب بحركة سريعة بنزع بنطلونه و قمصانه ثم جذب سويا الممددة فوق السرير على ظهرها بقوة ذراعيه و شرع يمص بظرها بنشوة و يحاول أن يدخل لسانه في كسها المحمر فشرعت سويا تئن بصوت مميز "آي آي آي..” كانت نبرات صوتها ممتعة في مسمع الشاب الذي ازداد حرقة و تمزق حينئذٍ مسك زبه المنتصب بشدة ثم أحنى صدره فوق بزاز سويا و أدخله في جوف كس الفتاة التي ازداد صوتها اغراء و متعة اما الشاب فأخذ يدخل و يخرج زبه بسرعة و لهفة ، كان يمزق كس سويا الصغير بزبه حين أن يستمد دفعه بقوة من عضلات فخذيه القويتين ، لكن ما بدا واضحاً أن سويا ازدادت لهفة لهذا النيك السريع العنيف ، فهو يجعل كسها يقطر ماء من شدة هيجانه..في أروع مشهد من قصص نيج اجنبي شتوية
و تتواصل أحداث هذه القصة بمشهد حار جدا.. حينما تظهر الفتاة سويا فوق فخذيه الشاب الذي استلقى فوق السرير على ظهره ، و كانت سويا فوق زبه تهتز أعلى و اسفل و كان بزازها يهتز معها اهتزازا اما إب الشاب فقد كان يدخل و يخرج على وتيرة مثيرة لم تجعل سويا تكف عن النواح و لم تجعل أيضاً الشاب يكف عن التاوه.. أسرعت الفتاة بين فخذيه الشاب فمسكت زبه الساخن كالجمر ثم شرعت تلحسه بلعابها البارد ثم داخل فمها فتزيده برودة انا الشاب فكان يستمتع بنشوة فائقة المتعة ، م تستطع سويا أن تبقى لمدة طويلة تم و تلحس زي الشاب ذلك أن كسها أخذ يدغدغ لهفتها للنيك , اسرعت يدها نحو بظرها ثم قامت تفرك بظرها فركا عنيفا , امتزج بصراخها اللذيذ.. و بعد ذلك أخذت سويا هيئة الكلب فوق السرير و كان الشاب خلفها واقفا على ركبتيه ، يشدها بيديه العريضين خصري سويا و يجذبها نحوه بإستمرار ، و كان زبه بهذا الاندفاع يدخل و يخرج بسرعة في كس سويا التي بقيت تعض شفتيها و تتاوه دون انقطاع لشدة المتعة التي تحس بها.. و بحركة رشيقة استدارت الفتاة على ظهرها و تمددت فوق السرير ، ثم تمدد فوقها الشاب و أخذ يرضع حلمتي بزازها الورديين البارزبن بشغف و تتلذذ اما سويا فلم تكن تكف تفرك بظرها الذي تهرأ جلده المحمر من شدة الفرك العنيف.. و ما هي إلا ثوان حتى قام الشاب على ركبته و سويا لاتزال على نفس الهيئة منفرجة الساقين بشدة ثم مسك زبه و أدخله في كسها الحار و أخذها يهزها بمتعة إلى الأمام و زبه كان يدخل و يخرج بانزلاق رهيب قي أجمل مشهد نيك من قصص نيج اجنبي شتوية

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